PRACTICALLY SPEAKING - How to determine where to target machine improvements

During a career spanning nearly 40 years, I have worked in--and visited--many machine shops. These ranged from small subcontractors to valve OEM s (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and commercial aircraft manufacturers. Everyone is looking to improve their operations. Those who aren’t are either going out of business or already out of business. The real question is how and where does one start? Follow a simple 3-step process. Step 1: Focus. Trying to fix everything all at once will ensure that there will lots of effort expended with little return in either the short- or medium-term. Start by focusing on known bottlenecks. These are usually best identified via regular walks through the value stream (known as a GEMBA walk) and by simply asking employees about trouble spots. A few machines almost always have piles of work in front of them while the work at other machines ebbs and flows. Step 2: Gather data. This can be done manually in the short-term quite easily. It ...